Francisco WebberCEO and Founder at Cortical.ioSpeaker
Francisco Webber, Cortical. io's co-founder, is renowned for his pioneering invention of Semantic Folding—a groundbreaking method for understanding and visualizing natural language. Inspired by latest neuroscience findings, Semantic Folding mimics the brain's intricate processes for comprehending language, revolutionizing how businesses utilize unstructured text data. His passion for information technology developed during his medical studies, where he was involved in the processing of medical data. In 2005, he founded Matrixware Information Services, and developed the first standardized global patent database. He subsequently established the Information Retrieval Facility to bridge academia and industry in the field of information retrieval. Francisco's visionary work has propelled to the forefront of the industry, providing companies with unprecedented insights into data. With Semantic Folding as the cornerstone of's research and development work, Francisco continues to drive advances in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing. The latest innovation extends the application of Semantic Folding to numerical data, transforming previously unresolved areas such as sensor fusion.